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stuck in the middle with you
maybe we are both afraid of words we haven't said

Hi back from genting don't feel like blogging about it. First thing that invited me back home was plenty of ants crawling on my table from god knows where so I started on an ant killing spree with 5 tissue papers. So after killing all the ants I saw I'm here. K then I just realised there's SE practice today from the email so I didn't apply leave because I thought there's no practice on 29th. K bye shall go rest cus I'm sick and I think my voice is going to disappear soon yay.

Oh man I swear I will get a stand a tuner a stopper a rosin a new cello and a new bow soon.
It's super frustrating to try to borrow around a spare stand for busking.

Btw it's three more days yay. :D

9 more days to Genting! ♥

Yay can't wait hahaha. I have no idea why I am more excited as compared to the last few years even though han and wen are not going. ._.

Points why it will feel weird:
(I admit I'm blogging this because I'm really bored and I don't want my blog to rot away.)
1. No more han to scream with me while we ride through the haunted house with our eyes and ears shut and still continue screaming when we come out.
2. No more han to excite ourselves with the kiddy elephant ride by trying to choose which elephant can fly the highest and fight for it
3. No more han to chicken out with me when the others sit rollercoaster rides
4. No more han to run away with me when we see clowns
5. No more han to go 'excited' over space adventure and start singing the stupid song
6. No more han to go undercovers with me on the bus
And many many more that I can't think of. We have been going genting every year together since we were born k!!!!!
Oh and lastly no more wenwen to cuddle up to. ):

Anyway I decided I will ride Cyclone and flying coaster this year~! People that have never gone genting before probably don't understand what I'm ranting about but wtv. :D Even though when I told my sister what I've decided she just went "Aiyah you sure will back out about sitting flying coaster when you get there one loh". Something like that lah. Don't believe in my determination! -coughs- And I'm not going to sit flying dragon ok even though everyone says it's super chikopek but I hate jerky rides and it's super jerky k! I decided to sit last year coming out half-crying and felt like vomitting. Ok I'm a crybaby whatever lahhh but it's really very jerky ok! ._.

Ok enough about Genting.

Mehhhhh busking yesterday for 2 hours. I hate canon!! Ok I admit I was so sick of playing the eight notes that the last time we played it i totally went out of tune. -_- Argh I don't know how am I going to survive the 7 hours slot anyone want to be kind-hearted and swap with me???? :D :D :D

And my bow needs re-stringing.

I just got reminded of homework. Kept thinking that I have plenty of time and just realised when I get back from genting school's reopening soon already. ): Bye.


Yay I love you cow/gorilla/blobbly so much too. :D
I'm number one hahahaha yay. :D
Now you are not younger than me already mooo~!
My fitness go down already see how?
Too long don't have our -cough- nba training -cough- alr lol!
Hahaha you jiayou for gorillazzzz cus I will be your number one supporter. :D
Yunen all the way! :D
Neopets created our sheep and cow thing lolol.
Anyway grow fatter k! :D :D (Nba players cannot so thin!)
Have a wonderfullll and happy birthday too! :D
(I forgot half of our _'s code already. D:)

Ok there's party laterrrr but all there is is bbq ktv gamble and mahjongggg. Haven't played mahjong for ages gosh I miss it so much. Though I'm like total lousy at it but it's funny when me and ahan form a group together cos we'll take like half a day to decide what tile to throw out and the other people will get irritated. :D Then we'll start exclaiming that we are team rockets and stuffs hahahah. I think I forgot how to play already! o:

Prepared most of the stuffs already hope the BBQ won't turn out a total failure. Or my mum will start exclaming that it's wrong to trust me and my sister and start gloating about how younger generation refuse to listen to the older generation and we can't do anything and stuffs. -.- As in it's not like we are supergirls or something but at least let us try first before refusing to trust us loh!

Cleared out half of my room yesterday cos cousins are coming. But seriouslyyy why do I need to clear out the stack of books on my table lah! (I dumped it there after eoys) It's not like they are going to sit on my table or sleep or it or something. -_- Ugh and I have limited space loh, had to throw away so many things.

Actually I dumped some of the files on the unused double decker bed above my table but I don't think my dad noticed it yet. I hope not. D: Though it can stop them from climbing onto the bed too or they will squash my cello up there or whatever. Ok shall go move my cello to the storeroom later I don't trust the little kids. They'll probably start bouncing on my cello or something. -.-

Well I still can't see how they will manage to squeeze and move about in my tiny little house. Good luck to them ahaha. So they will stop thinking that our house is very big. -.-

Ok I realised I'm a total failure I went gym twice this week only. Ugh at this rate I can't slim down to desired weight before I go genting. Then I'll have like little number of clothes available to wear. ): MUST GO GYM REGULARLY!!! I think my body's system is weird loh, exercising doesn't help me lose weight. My sister insist it does and will start lecturing me about what she last time also as fat as me (-.-) then she exercised and slimmed down. Ughhhh.

Shall go practice piano before my mother starts screaming at me for not practicing again.

Yay going to buy BBQ stuffs tomorrow. Not like I dislike the idea of it but i'm just very bored at home loh. Was planning what to buy tomorrow hahaha so fun! Omg I sound like I'm having the first BBQ ever in my whole life hahaha!

Anyway was washing dishes halfway when my hand slipped and I broke the bowl. Got two cuts and it still stings slightly. I was so sad lah! My father bought that bowl. ): He so cute loh go buy that bowl then I broke it. ))))))))))): So sad! ): Nevermind shall go buy another bowl with him tomorrow. :D Hahaha.

Now it's hard to type because the cuts are at the parts I need to move about lolll. Ah that means I can't practice piano for awhile. Cello's alright I think it doesn't affect. Hahahaha. Now my mum can't demand me to practice piano twice a day. -.- What's the use seriously loh once per day enough alr can!

I suddenly realised my BSP scholarship interview is next tuesday lol andI haven't even looked at the notes lwy sent me. I hate interviews lah so scary! The last interview I had I got stuck at a question for like 5 minutes and the interviewer was not engaging at all so she just sat there and waited for me for 5 minutes until she gave up. Then she gave me this "Why can't you answer" look. I was P6 only loh, so fierce.-_- The atmosphere was super scary ok, I was freaking out inside. I fail every interview lah. 0:

K shall sleep early tonight!

Boreddddd~. Wasting my holidays rotting at home everyday. Now when I on the computer I have no idea what to do on it. Was so bored so I decided to try to make use of my time thus went to practice piano-2 1/2 hrs, cello-1 hr, gym-1hr. Yep and it's still 4.15pm now. ):

Sister went out to shop after her last paper was overrr. Leave me so bored at home. ):

Okay I know this whole post is ranting about how bored I am so you don't have to read it. I'm just so bored I resorted to blogging.

There's housewarming party this coming saturday at my house for cousins hahaha! My sister and I finally persuaded my mother to allow us to prepare for the BBQ and stuffs because she doesn't think that we can manage it and feels that 3 full families are required to prepare for a mini BBQ. Yay I have something to occupy myself with. :D Booked the KTV room, multi-purpose hall and stuffs. Haven't call to confirm with the cousins thoughhhh.

My house is super small, so I cannot imagine uhm like 20+ people trying to squeeze in my house. -_- And my parents went to suggest staying over. It's super not feasible lah can! Like unless they want to sleep on my piano and bring sleeping bags and sleep on the hard floor being not able to move about. Not like they don't have a nice bed at home to sleep in. -.-

Yep they insisted and my sis and I failed in trying to persuade them. They think our house super big loh. -_- But I think they realised it was not feasible just that they didn't want to admit it. Stubborness runs in the family genes hahaha.

Maybe I should go occupy myself by pigging in the kitchen. :D


Hahaha. Anyway appeal was successful, I'm now in 3H. Hi 3HHHH! :D They made me sound so anti-3L though, I just didn't want the talent develoment program. -_-

Hur and I just received the letter for edusave scholarship yayyy I have moneyyyy. $_$ Okay I'm not some money wanting freak just that I'm really broke now so I can do with some cash hahaha. :D

Okay byebyebye shall go continue rot at home. :D